'' Smart Stethoscope ''
Real-time heart sound listening of mother and fetus
Household heart sound listening product with a smartphone to check health conditions
Multi-function product with a built-in speaker for prenatal care
Listening to the heart sounds of family
real-time waveform view
waveform saving and note functions
check the current status of the heart
sharing through SNS
Prenatal music listening
pregnant women can have their music heard to the fetus
the pregnant women and fetuses share the same music
EM Bracelet
EM Bracelet
designgree is an industrial design & strategy studio.
We work with business to drive innovation, identify opportunities, and design meaningful products and experiences that grow brands and delight customers.

Home Curfew Management System
OPTICON management system(OMS)'s mobile application is an intuitive and friendly interface that empowers officers in the field to effectively manage their workload from a mobile device both seamlessly and securely.
The app enhances productivity and enables officers to remotely monitor their offenders.
Available 24/7
Robust reports
Advanced mapping
Enhanced monitoring